EDAA Trust Seal

Opt-Out Information

You are visiting this page because you have been served an online ad by Epsilon’s Digital Media Solutions (DMS) platform, and/or because you would like to opt-out from receiving future online ads from Epsilon.

Overview of Interest-Based Advertising

The websites you visit work with online advertising companies like Epsilon to provide you with advertising that is as relevant and useful as possible. Some of the online ads you are served may be based on the content of the webpage you’re visiting; others may be based on registration or other information you provide to us and our partners; and other ads may be customized based on predictions about your interests generated from your visits to other websites. This practice of customizing and providing online ads is often called interest-based advertising, or IBA.

Epsilon’s IBA Services

The IBA services that Epsilon provides for its clients are driven by Epsilon’s Digital Media Solutions (DMS) (formerly known as Conversant). You can read more about Epsilon’s privacy and advertising practices by visiting our privacy policy.

If you would like to opt-out from IBA, please click on the following button:

Note: To ensure you are opted out across all of your browsers and devices, we recommend that you opt out of each one individually. If you delete your cookies, we recommend that you renew your opt-out choices. If cookies aren't enabled in your browser or if you're using ad-blocking tools, our opt-out mechanism may not work.

Please note that this opt-out only applies to personalized advertising provided by Epsilon. To review your opt-out settings from other digital advertising companies, including those that may be collecting and using data on the Epsilon website for IBA purposes, you can access the DAA’s AdChoices tool or the NAI opt-out page. You can also learn more about IBA and our different opt-out methods by visiting our AdChoices page here.

To opt out of interest-based ads on mobile applications, learn how to set an opt-out flag.

DAA Adherence and Commitment to Ad Quality and Privacy

Epsilon is a proud member of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA). The DAA is an organization that works with digital advertising companies to develop and enforce responsible and privacy-friendly online advertising practices, including the development of the AdChoices program. Epsilon DMS adheres to the DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising.